Receiving Funds

Every time you receive funds with Fluidkey, these funds are sent to a fresh address that is not linked to your main address.

With Fluidkey, you can receive and manage ETH, USDC, and any other ERC-20 token.

How to start receiving funds

In the Receive section of the Fluidkey dashboard you have three options to receive funds, two private ENS addresses and private hex addresses.

Private ENS

How it works

When you sign up to Fluidkey, you automatically get assigned two ENS addresses.

An ENS is a human-readable address you can use to receive funds. This ENS can be pasted into the to or the address field of a compatible wallet to send payments to your Fluidkey account. Every time your ENS is queryied, it resolves a new empty Fluidkey address to the wallet. This way you can receive funds without compromising your privacy.

Make sure to only send funds to these addresses on the chain that the address was created on.

The first ENS ends with, it can be used as a shareable web link to a page that gives senders multiple simple options to transfer funds to your Fluidkey account. It is also compatible with some wallets.

The second ENS ends with fkey.eth, it is compatible with more wallets and can be pasted into the to or address fields to send payments to your Fluidkey account.

Not all wallets are compatible with ENS addresses across chains, especially on testnets.

Edit your ENS

You can easily customize the username linked to your ENS: just press the menu button at the top right of your dashboard and then press edit next to your username.

Private addresses

When you press the Address button in the Receive section, you will see a hexadecimal Ethereum address appear. This address is also an empty Fluidkey address only you control. You can use it as another option to receive funds.

Every time you press the ↻ button, a new hex address is generated.

We strongly recommend using such a hex address only for one transfer in order to protect your privacy.

Receiving funds on Fluidkey vs other wallets

Other wallets

With most wallets, you have one or few addresses, making it easy for external observers to track your transaction history and assets.


With Fluidkey, a new address that only you can control (i.e. self-custodial) is used to receive funds for every transfer.

This protects your privacy, as external observers cannot connect these addresses and cannot link them to your main address.

Last updated